Transcript from Morning Devotionals Episode 29

 Transcript from Morning Devotionals Episode 29

Hello, welcome to JK Woodall Ministries. This our Morning Daily Devotional and we thank you for being so faithful and attending every single one, you this morning... 

God is blessing you. God is giving us favor and increase.He's so powerful, so merciful. 

Let's get our Bibles this morning and I'm going to read out of The New International Version (NIV) but, please use whatever version that you may have available. Turn to Deuteronomy chapter 7:13 He will love you and bless you and increase your numbers, he will bless the fruit of your womb the crossing your land your green new wine and olive oil the claves of your herds and the lands of your flocks in the land is for to ancestors to give you... Amen. 

The Word of God is just blessing us this morning. God wants to increase you, he wants to support you by supplying every single need; He wants to bless you even more. So when you start to run over; when you have so many lambs and your flock starts to grow and your Land is so abundant, you can give to others. tWe will be able to pour the Word of God into others or give them encouragement, there may be missing. Let's pray this morning. Heavenly Father, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the God of Abraham - the God of Isaac - and the God of Jacob. We thank you this morning, we bless you and we honor you. We have lift your Holy Name this morning God. 

We love you. Thank you for providing your increase. Thank you for providing us with your blessings. Once again, we know that we're about to overflow God with your blessings with your Grace. I know with the Overflow that you pour out and provide we will be able to reach out to other children and bless them as well. Oh, Heavenly Father. Thank you for remembering us and remembering our families. 

Thank you this morning God. We praise your Holy Name in the Mighty name of Jesus Amen. And Amen. So go ahead and meditate on God's Word this morning and know that He has blessed you and you're going to increase… Surely you're going to overflow and as you start to overflow reach out to somebody today touching them with God's Everlasting Word. Let them know that God has remembered them and he's going to bless them. 

Stay safe, Stay healthy, above all Stay blessed... from JK would all Ministries. 

You Have the Power.

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IF You are willing

  IF… By JK Woodall "Father, IF You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." – Luke 22:42 (NIV)...