Morning Devotionals Episode 27 Transcript - JK Woodall Ministries

 Good morning. Welcome to daily devotionals with JK Woodall Ministries.

Some of us in our lives get distraught... Life events happen, we get affected, and hoping that we don't lose faith. But it may seem as if it's hard to hold on. 

It may seem as if You don't have enough strength. 

God is here to talk to us today. God is here to speak a Word to us that is a show... Who He is? Let's get our Bibles. Turn to John 11:20 (NIV).

Verse 20. So when Martha heard that Jesus was coming she went out and met him. But Mary remained seated in the house Martha said to Jesus Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever you ask from God will give you. Jesus said to her your brother will rise again. 

Martha said to him I know that he will rise again in the Resurrection on the last day. Jesus said to her I am the resurrection and the life whoever believes in me though. He die yet shall he live and everyone who lives and Believes In Me shall never die. Do you believe this? She said to him. Yes, Lord, I believe you are the Christ the son of God who is coming? Into the world Amen 

So God spoke to her and said I am the Resurrection

The one thing that Martha said to him Just before that was...

But even now I know that whatever you ask. See, is that even now Faith is..

It's although I just got evicted... 

Although I just got laid off...

Although I just got furloughed…  Even now...

Even now that's the faith we're going to tap into this morning. So let's pray; Heavenly Father, The Great I Am, Prince of Peace ...

Our cup runs over this morning. Because of you Lord, because of you Father, because that you love is so much. That small mustard grain of Faith we have is Even Now Faith. We don't need a lot of it. Is that even now even though they just repoed your car but even up. How are you? Get to work how you can get the kids to and from the doctor. Whatever you have to do. Even now. I know we know that you are God and all things work out For Your Glory because you said I am the resurrection and the life and we believe in the Lord and we believe in your Power. Right now Lord, move any obstacle, any adversity, any event... Even Now we may be standing right in the midst of an event, but Even Now we recognize Your Power and we thank you for being our God. We Bless Your Holy Name and we Praise You... in the Mighty Name of Jesus Amen and Amen. 

Go about your day with this activating Faith, Even Now Faith, understanding it's going to work out for you with your Faith. When you go out today, Bless someone with that Faith speaking life into them today. Please remember to subscribe to the podcast. Forward it onto others so we can bless them as well.  

Stay safe, Stay healthy, above all Stay blessed. 

From JK Woodall Ministries remember that you have the power.


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IF You are willing

  IF… By JK Woodall "Father, IF You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." – Luke 22:42 (NIV)...