Morning Devotionals Episode 25 Transcript

 Hello. Good morning. Welcome to another Daily Devotional with JK Woodall Ministries

Some things we need to focus on. That we should take off (remove) some things that need to be removed so we can see Jesus. 

This morning, let's look at a scripture out of Mark 10. Mark 10 verse 46. And it came to Jericho and a heat and as he was leaving Jericho, he was with his disciples and a great crowd Bartimaeus a blind bigger. The son of Timaeus was sitting by the roadside and when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say Jesus Son of David have mercy on me and many of you puked him. Tell him to be silent, but he cried out all the more son of David. 

Have mercy on me and Jesus stopped and said call him and they called him and they call the blind man saying to him. Take heart get up. He is calling you and throwing off his cloak he sprang up and came to Jesus and Jesus said to him. What do you want me to do for you? And the blind man said to him Rabbi. Let me recover my sight and Jesus said to him. You go your way. Your faith has made you well and immediately he recovered his sight and followed him on the way. Amen. 

There's a lot of things going on in the scripture today. But if you see the blind man, Bartimaeus his action caused Jesus to stop. Then, he threw off his cloak... Now in those days the cloak that the blind man of the bigger was wearing was a symbol; to show all of the people in land that he was allowed and approved to beg. 

Being that he is allowed to beg, he was allowed to sit there on the corner or stand there begging and ask for money as people walk by. He was allowed to be... Unsuccessful, he was allowed to be forgotten. But when he heard that Jesus Of Nazareth What's in the area?.He cried out. 

There's a cry that you have inside of you. That will stop Jesus. There's a cry that you have to have that comes out of your spirit when you're longing for the Lord. The cry Bartimaeus stopped Jesus him, but notice the next action. Bartimaeus threw off his cloak and sprang up and came to Jesus.  His sight was restored. But you see that he came to Jesus and threw off the cloak which was symbolic which was stating, I'm no longer bound. As begger, is no longer unsuccessful. I'm no longer beneath anyone. I'm going to Jesus…  This morning Let's take off whatever is binding you. Let's take off that cloak on successfulness, take off that cloak of not being able to appease others. Let's take off that cloak of thinking that you're unworthy. 

Let's pray. Heavenly Father, King of Glory we bless you this morning. We honor you today Lord. 

Heavenly Father, we thank you because as you passed through our souls cryed out. No one an make us be silent. We're going to cry out our spirits and we cry out even more for you Lord this morning. Heavenly Father, we are throwing off the cloak of disappointment, we are throwing off the cloak that's binding us. We're no longer bound by sin because you saved us this morning, Father and we thank you and love you for that. Heavenly Father, our Spirits are crying out to you this morning and we're going to throw off the cloak and walk towards you this morning Lord. We're going to walk your way this morning Lord. 

Heavenly father, whoever can hear this message speak to them this morning. Lord restore their souls this morning. Lord, and we pray that you continue to reach out and touch anyone that is crying out this morning. I can't hear him this morning... but you can. Bless and touch them in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.

Your faith has made you well. 

Your faith, Because you cried it out, because your spirit is a longing for the Lord, your faith has made you well. Whatever adversity was against you, in the case of Bartimaeus  he needed sight.. He received the sight immediately. Then followed Jesus. So whatever adversity you had this morning, is it immediately transformed. 

And you will follow Jesus this morning. And praise His name. 

Continue to stay safe. Stay healthy above all Stay Blessed from JK Woodall Ministries remember... You Have the Power.

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