The Rocks of Water: It Is Where You Need It Most

The Rocks of Water: It Is Where You Need It Most, The Dry Place

Dear Saints,

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves in dry places—moments of challenge and hardship where our resources seem depleted. As we look to the journey of the Israelites in the wilderness, we find a powerful lesson in the rocks that provided water:

1. The Rock at Rephidim: In Exodus 17, Moses struck the rock at Rephidim, and water miraculously flowed to quench the thirst of the people. This event took place in a dry and desperate moment, showcasing God's timely provision where it was most needed.

2. The Rock at Kadesh: Later, in Numbers 20, at the place of Kadesh, the Israelites faced another period of thirst. This time, God instructed Moses to speak to the rock. However, Moses struck it instead. Despite the disobedience, water still flowed, illustrating that God's provision remains even when we falter.

These events, though at different locations, teach us about the nature of God's provision. While some may view them as instances involving different rocks, the essential truth remains: God's provision is present precisely where we need it most.

Jesus, our Rock, is not bound by a single location or circumstance. He is our constant source of life and refreshment, providing living water in every dry place we encounter. Whether we find ourselves in moments of abundance or in the midst of a barren desert, Jesus is there, ready to pour out His sustaining grace and renewal.

Today, as we face our personal deserts, let us remember that Jesus, the Rock, is always with us. He provides the living water we need in the dry places of our lives. We can trust Him to be present and to refresh us, no matter how arid our situation may seem.

Let us speak to the Rock with faith and expectation, knowing that His living water will flow freely, bringing rejuvenation and hope. In every dry place, Jesus is our Rock, providing what we need most.


Pst. JK. Woodall, Ph.D.

Senior Pastor, Revival Center Hesperia

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