Exodus 31 - Our Lasting Covenant with Jesus: From Exodus to Eternity

Our Lasting Covenant with Jesus: From Exodus to Eternity

Date: August 22, 2024
Time: 6:30 pm Pacific Time

The Bible reveals God's ongoing commitment through a series of covenants, each marked by a sign, leading to the ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ.

1. Covenant with Noah: The Rainbow

- Genesis 9:12-17: After the Flood, God promised never to destroy the earth by flood again. The rainbow is the sign of this covenant, a symbol of God’s mercy.

2. Covenant with Abraham: Circumcision

- Genesis 17:9-14: God’s promise to Abraham included countless descendants and the land of Canaan. Circumcision marked Abraham’s descendants as God’s chosen people.

3. Covenant with Moses: The Sabbath

- Exodus 31:12-17: The Sabbath was the sign of the covenant at Sinai, a day of rest and worship, reminding Israel of their unique relationship with God.

4. Jesus and the New Covenant: The Lord’s Supper

- Luke 22:19-20: Jesus established the New Covenant through His sacrifice, with the Lord’s Supper as its sign. It symbolizes His body and blood, given for the forgiveness of sins.

Jesus: Lord of the Sabbath

Jesus declared Himself "Lord of the Sabbath" (Matthew 12:8), fulfilling its true purpose. In Him, we find the ultimate rest and peace the Sabbath symbolized. Jesus invites us to rest in His finished work, making every day an opportunity to experience God’s renewal.

From Exodus to Eternity

Exodus 31’s Sabbath sign points to the rest found in Christ. These covenants with Noah, Abraham, and Moses lead us to the New Covenant in Jesus, who fulfills all promises and offers eternal life and rest.

Discover how these covenants culminate in Jesus, our ultimate covenant and lasting rest.

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