Morning Devotionals with JK Woodall Ministries

Good morning, welcome back to Morning Devotionals with JK Woodall Ministries, you know... God is just so mighty and he's just so vast and I realize his infancy and how much power he holds. His presence is with us this morning. Please get your Bibles. Let's go over to Revelation 22:13. That's Revelation 22:13, and I'm going to read out of the NIV. 

I am the Alpha and Omega. The first and the last the beginning and the end. Amen 

Before Time existed, God existed. 

Before any elements were created.  He existed. 

He's the beginning. 

So this morning when you worship God this morning, when you sit back and you meditate on his greatness this morning. As you are connected to the Spirit, you have no time limit, Remember are you hearing from the Ancient of Days. He's the same today. Yesterday and forever.

Let's pray. Heavenly Father Creator of the Universe.

Mighty warrior...

Bright and Morning Star, we are Loving on you this morning. We Bless your name Heavenly Father. 

Alpha and Omega... We seek your voice this morning; speak to us this morning. Oh God, Where would we be without you? Walk with us today Lord. Speak to our souls so we can carry out Your instructions today.  These and all things we ask for in the Mighty name of Jesus, Amen and amen. 

Continue to sit and meditate on God's Word this morning, understand the well that you're drawing from his endless Power you're connected to this morning. There's no more struggles for you... God is your Mighty Warrior. God will fight your battles because you connected to the beginning and He has No Ending. You are connected to endless Power.

Continue to Stay blessed...

Stay healthy, Stay safe. From JK Woodall Ministries remember that You Have the Power.

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IF You are willing

  IF… By JK Woodall "Father, IF You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." – Luke 22:42 (NIV)...