Morning Devotionals with JK Woodall Ministries

Good morning. Welcome back to another Daily Devotional with JK Woodall Ministries. You know God is definitely Working his miracles; He wants to speak to us today. He wants to tell you something very special. 

So why don't we get our Bibles and turn to The Book of Exodus 3:14. That is the Book of Exodus 3:14

God said to Moses I am who I am. And he said, say this to the people of Israel. I am has sent me to you. Amen 

So Moses asked the question before this verse and he said who shall I say sent me, just to paraphrase and Moses. God said to him I am who I am. 

That is Powerful. 

He is everything… God is the Great I am. Is a mighty healer, He is a provider, the I am is a mighty warrior,  I am is our protector. So let's pray this morning. 

Heavenly Father, The Great I Am, Ancient of Days, Oh... Jesus we bless you this morning, Lord we magnify your Holy Name. You're worthy. You're worthy. God please continue to speak to us. And be that I am for every single need that we have; you are the I am of all I am’s. You are a way maker. You're a mighty healer. You are our provider. You're our rock and we bless you for that. Thank you so much for being of all I am’s… You are our Shepherd… Thank you Lord.

These are all things you pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus Amen. And amen. This morning meditate on the Word of God and listen. 

I don't know what you're going through today. I don't know what you've been through during the week. But I do know... The Great I am has spoken. And whatever you need, Whatever your situation may be or turn whatever way you think it may change. You are the Victor!  The Great I am has spoken this Morning and Victory has been provided. Oh, he's so merciful to us, isn't he? From JK Woodall Ministries as we always do Stay safe, Stay healthy and above all stay blessed. Remember You Have the Power.

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IF You are willing

  IF… By JK Woodall "Father, IF You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." – Luke 22:42 (NIV)...