Morning Devotionals with JK Woodall Ministries

Good morning, welcome back to JK Woodall Ministries morning devotionals. And we Thank You for joining us today. God is speaking to us this morning. He is so powerful... His Love is just pouring out all over you. So this morning we have two verses that we're going to read from before we pray. Is Philippians 4:19 and the second verse is Revelation 3:20. So again get your Bibles. Don't worry about the version. I'm in the ESV version this morning. Don't worry about your version. Just read along and listen to the Word. Philippians. 4:19  my God Will Supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory. In Christ Jesus. 

Now we're going to move over to Revelation 3:20 Behold. I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door. I will come in to him and eat with him and he with me amen. 

These scriptures are saying God wants to join us. God wants to be with his children. He wants to sit with you and Eat with you, and speak to you. If you open the door; the door of your mind and the door of your heart. 

And you will hear his voice, He will come in. God is going to supply all of your needs. According to his riches in glory... God has something for you today.  He has something for you that is overflowing. Let's pray. 

Heavenly Father creator of the universe... 

Powerful Warrior, Mighty healer, Oh! My way maker. Thank you this morning. Thank you for coming into our hearts. Thank you for coming into our minds and thank you for sitting and Eating with us and gracing us with your presence this morning. We thank you Father. We thank you for spending time with us this Morning. We thank you for your Word. And we hear your Message. Thank you for supplying every single need that we have, whatever the need is you have supplied today. If you need His Mercy it is supplied, if it's Grace it is supplied, every single need is supplied and thank you Lord. Continue to smile on our lives and shower us with Your Blessings today.   These and all things we pray and ask for in the Mighty name of Jesus Amen and Amen.

The power of God is flowing through you this morning. 

The power of God is with you today. So go out. And be a blessing to others whatever he spoke to you be a blessing. He's standing at the door and he's knocking not just for you, but for others you're about to touch today. So as we conclude our blog and a podcast stay safe, stay healthy, above all stay blessed.. In the mighty name of Jesus Amen and amen. Remember from JK Woodall Ministries … You Have the Power!

Morning Devotionals with JK Woodall Ministries

Good morning. Welcome, welcome back. It's time for daily Devotionals. It's time to hear Word from the Living God. 

JK Woodall Ministries It's been touching folks throughout the world with this Daily Devotional and today's could be no different today. We will hear a Word that's inspirational to us and it gives you a little bit more security. 

Let's take your Bibles. Let's go to John 15:16. That's John 15 verse 16.You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.  Amen 

God has already chosen you. He already knew who you were while you were in your Mother’s womb. And he appointed you. He appoints you to go out and bear good fruit. See the only way you can bear fruit, is you need to be a tree (rooted in His Word). Trees bear more fruit and you know what type of tree it is from the fruit that is bearing. 

Whatever you ask for in the mighty name of Jesus. God himself will give it to you. Let's pray… Heavenly Father, Ancient of Days, Rock of Ages, Oh, we bless your name. And thank you for choosing us. Thank you for choosing your children. Planting us to be a tree (rooted in your Word) and bearing good fruit while spreading your name throughout the World. God, whatever we ask for in the mighty name of Jesus will be granted to us and this morning Lord; ww ask for good health. We're asking for healing. And we're asking for success, In the mighty name of Jesus Amen and amen. 

God is working with us today as he does every day. God is moving in our lives and we are thanking Him for that. Today as you continue to meditate on God's word remember to spread the Word be the tree (rooted in His Word) and bear good fruit. 

Stay safe. Stay healthy and above all stay blessed from JK Woodall Ministries … Remember You Have the Power.

Morning Devotionals with JK Woodall Ministries

Good morning. It's time for our special time to hear the word of God this morning. 

It's our special time again our morning devotion. To hear words from God Thank you for joining. JK Woodall Ministries.  When we have obstacles that seem like they're so large, remember, In the Bible recorded as mountains, you know looking at these large mountains in front of you or in front of us this morning. Faith moves mountains. Faith Is what's needed, right now.

To activate a movement So this morning let's go over to Matthew. 17:20, that's Matthew 17:20, and I'm and I'm reading out of the (NIV) New International Version. But whatever version you have. Let's turn to Matthew 17:20. He reply because you have so little faith. Truly. I tell you if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move nothing will be impossible for you. Amen, so this morning as we continue to meditate on God's word and see that faith is the activator. So you can't lose your faith. You can't give up, you have to increase your faith, but it doesn't matter how small your faith is. Just so you have some. If you notice the mustard seed And a mountain or disproportion the muscle sees the size of a Like a grain of sand probably smaller. And a mountain is obviously so big that it could be seen from miles around. But yet the mountain moves. 

So this morning if we can combine our Faith together; We can remove multiple mountains this morning. So let's pray. Heavenly Father, King of Kings, Lord of lords, we thank you this morning... Oh we thank you Father. 

Times may be very difficult for us today, but we have faith. You have that grain of Faith the size of a mustard seed that you spoke about today, Lord and whatever's in front of us. Whatever is standing between Us and whatever you have for us is moved. Right now in the mighty name of Jesus. We have our faith Lord. We have our Mustard Seed. It may be little but we have it. Lord blesses today... Move mountains this morning. We thank you Father in the mighty name of Jesus Amen. 

… And Amen 

So, you know faith is now activated And your faith no matter how small it is, Just moved Mountains for your family. Just move mountains, for yourself and your family.  You may seem like you're the only one going through something. But your faith just stirred up and activated a movement. So as you continue to meditate on God's word this morning. 

Keep the faith. Know that God is with you and know that that mountain will be moved in the powerful name of Jesus Amen. So from JK Woodall Ministries stay safe stay healthy and most of all stay blessed remember you have the Power!

Morning Devotionals with JK Woodall Ministries

Welcome back. Once again to JK Woodall Ministries morning devotionals? God is moving this morning. I felt something as I listened to gospel music, this morning on JK Woodall Ministries online radio station The Spirit Spoke to me. As I reflected and I saw that many of us are going through many things. 

Maybe lots of adversity... Remember it is only a season of adversity at the moment, and God has a word for you this morning. 

Let's get our Bibles out. Let's go to Jeremiah 17:7 through 8. Again, any version of the Bible that you have will work this morning? I'm in The New International Version (NIV) but you can use whatever version you have available. Turn to Jeremiah chapter 17 verses 7 through 8. But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord whose confidence is in him. They would be like a tree planted by the water. That sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when he comes its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit... Amen 

God never fails, so you will never fail. A Tree planted by the Living Water never fails to bear fruit. So you'll never fail no matter, which season you're in? It's a prosperous season for you. No matter what season you're  in, your leaves are always green. God has planted you next to Living Water. God's water... Please join me and let's Pray this Morning, and we want to thank Our God for planting us next to that Living Water. 

Heavenly Father… You're so kind to us. 

You're so gracious to us Lord, and we thank you. For breathing in our Direction and Planting us in the exact spot that gives us opportunity. Planting us in the exact location, that exact moment that allowed our lease to remain green and we are always going to bear fruit no matter what the adversity is or the situation we are up against. We thank you for that for you. Thank you for your Divine Wisdom. You are so gracious to us. You are so kind to us and we love you. Thank you Father. These are not things we pray in the mighty name of Jesus Amen and Amen. 

Take extra moments to hear the word of God and as you take these extra moments to hear the word of God, Meditate on throughout the day.  Let it go down in your soul. Let your spirit get activated, be confident and trust the Lord and be that tree planted by the water. So as we conclude our podcast and our blocks this morning from JK Woodall Ministries. We want to say to you stay safe, Stay healthy, above all Stay blessed. Remember that You Have the Power.

Morning Devotionals with JK Woodall Ministries

Good morning. It's time for daily Devotional you are welcomed. This is JK Woodall Ministries. God has a special Word for us today. He wants us to hear what he has to say. These morning Devotionals are special times when we take those moments, maybe 5-10 minutes in the morning and speak to our Lord; and He speaks back to us. So this morning grab your Bibles and turn to the 23rd psalm.

Verse 1 down in verse 3, I have a feeling something powerful is about to happen. I'm in the King James version today, but as we always say whatever version you have just open your Bible. The 23rd Psalm, starting at verse 1. Psalms 23 The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want He maketh me to lie down in Green Pastures. He leads me beside the Still Waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in the past of righteousness for his namesake. 


Something special is going on when you hear that from our Lord. He is our Shepherd. So he's guiding us. He is also protecting us.

And the Lord is so special, He leads us past Still Waters. That implies there are Waters that may be turbulent. There are some Waters that may be stirred up. There are some Waters that could be activated and just roaring. But our God is so loving, so kind, He leads us past Still Waters.

Sheep don't drink near stirred up water because if the Sheep gets wet or water soaked it could get too heavy and fall into the water;  possibly drown. The Lord is so special to us because He has already saved us and guided us by the still calm Waters. He leads you and I next to drinkable Living water… He is pouring his Living Water  into us right now. 

Then He leads us on the path of righteousness? Not for our sake for foe His Name sake.  The Lord's Word Stands true today, yesterday, and forever. Let's pray... Heavenly Father, King of glory, We come to you once again, and we say Thank You. Father, you are so special to us. You are so kind to me and your mercy is so abundant. We thank you for that Heavenly Father. Your word has spoken to us and we thank you for your guidance. We thank you for that leadership from a Father. We thank you for leading us past and beside Still Waters. Oh, Heavenly Father, you are so special to us. You're so kind... We thank you for remembering us this morning. And Lord most of all continue to speak to us, throughout the day and in the name of Jesus... Amen. 

Just stay there for a few more moments... and allow the Lord to continue to talk to you. These are special quiet times when the Lord's Word is so active. 

As we get ready to close out our blog and Podcast;  we want to say continue to stay safe. Stay blessed and remember here from JK Woodall Ministries. You have the power!

Morning Devotionals with JK Woodall Ministries


Welcome and thank you for joining JK Woodall Ministries, To yet another morning that God blesses us with this beautiful day. And you get an opportunity? Or we get an opportunity to have our morning devotions together. Now these morning devotions are not meant to be ours long another five to ten minutes this Blog gives you time to connect with God. So what I want you to do this morning you get your Bible. Let's go to the NIV. That's the New International Version. At least that's the version I'm in. It's okay. If you have the King James version, whatever version you have. 

Let's go over to John 2. John 2,  I'm going to start at verse 6. So John 246 nearby stood six Stone water jars the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing each holding from 20 to 30 gallons. Jesus said to the servants fill the jars with water. So they filled them up fill them to the brim. They need to show them now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet. They did so and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine and he did not realize the I came from though the servants who had drawn the water knew then he called the bridegroom aside and said everyone brings out the choice wine first, and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink, but you have served the best till now now this rate this recording 

The Bible is written as Jesus' first miracle. Now, you will say to yourself what you know, turn it want water to wine. That's America within itself. But if you have to take that moment now because of God's talking to us this morning. Because it's not just about. The wine it's about transformation. So if we think about that water to ceremony Waters when back in the days when before you entered a synagogue.

Some people may have herds of sheep or cattle or they're working all day and have to wash up and clean before they get in. So this water is not clean water. These water jars have filthy water in them. May be contaminated. Virus invested water... But what did Jesus do?  He took the dirtiest water, the most contaminated water, the filthiest water, the water that normally would be discarded at the end of the day and said fill the jars up.

And then, drew some out and  it is now the best water. It's the best wine. There may be some things that I can tell me they could be some things that are. Filthy, they could be some things that are unclean in your soul. But this morning God is speaking to us and he says You're the best and it doesn't take years. It doesn't take much. It's a moment. So at this moment God just took you from the worst situation possible and now You are clean, in the name of Jesus. So let's pray to the Heavenly Father. We thank you for remembering us. We thank you for your instant transformation. Just so powerful for your Almighty. Oh, Ancient of Days. Thank you so much because that's what we thought we were going to get discarded. You step in, fill us up with your water and transform us in an instant. Oh, this only comes from a loving God; a God that knows our needs, at any time and we love you for that.  We praise you and we put  You on Hi.

In The mighty name of Jesus  Amen and Amen... as, We conclude the podcast and the blogs you can just stay where you are... meditating on what God has to say to you. Jesus himself poured himself into you and God is so powerful. So, thank you Father for blessing us.  Amen.

JK Woodall Ministries eBooks can be purchased by Clicking Here.

Morning Devotionals by JK Woodall Ministries

Good morning. It's time to perform our daily devotional this morning. And you know, God is already moving. He's already. Got a word for you to meditate on. You know, this word this morning is so powerful. 

And as usual use whatever version you have. King James ESV NIV for this morning. I'm using the ESV. So take your Bibles and let's go to Matthew 19:26. That's Matthew 19:26. But Jesus looked at them and said with man, this is impossible, but With God all things. Are possible Wow. So if we just take a second to observe. And look at Jesus Told everyone with the Lord himself said With man, this is impossible. But With God all things are possible. Amen Sometime in life you forget or sometimes just lose sight of the possibilities. 

The creator has given you the word that all things are possible with every year you're trying to accomplish whatever situation that you're trying to get yourself out of is possible. So if we applied it to ourselves this morning, I don't know. I don't know what's going on. I don't know where you're at in your life, but I do know all things are possible. Sometimes you find yourself, especially in this new COVID situation. A job may closes its doors. You got furloughed hours. Not the same, you know family or staying home together more kids are just you know connected together and sometimes families are necessarily getting along but all things are possible. You've been praying for something and God gave you a message this morning all things are possible. Let's go ahead and pray... King of Kings, Creator of the universe, My way maker, W know... That, all things are possible. I thank you, For your word this morning God. Thank you for blessing us this morning.  Thank you for letting us know that the possibility and the doors are open. There's no more gates holding us back, the possibilities in you are Limitless and the possibilities that you gave along with or ourselves and our families are Limitless. 

No sickness, No financial situation, No mountain... can come against your possibilities. 

These and all things we pray in the name of Jesus Amen. And amen 

So if you get a moment,  stay in the presence of God and just God speak to you.

Here at JK Woodall Ministries we have  to end our blog and podcast at this time, but we want you to know that, God is Limitless. He is able and Your prayers release the possibilities.  God bless you. 

Have a blessed day and remember you have the power.

Get our 90 Days of Devotional Scripture eBook by clicking here.

Morning Devotionals

Good morning and Welcome back to JK Woodall Ministries morning devotions. So as we do, we get a scripture out of the Bible. We read it and then we'll just sit back and let us observe the word and let the Word speak to us. Now every morning is different every weekend's different. Different things are going on in our lives, our community and our families, but this is an opportunity for us to hear that word from the Lord. 

So this morning grab your Bibles we're going to come to you out of Matthew 28:20. That's Matthew 28 verse 20 ... Don't worry about which version you have. Join me in reading Matthew 28 verse 20. Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you and behold. I am With You Always to the end of the ages. Amen No sometimes. You feel like you're by yourself on the Island, but that's not the case, the Word of God;  just said that He is with us to the end of all ages. So from the beginning to the end God is with us. Even if you feel as if you're alone, you're not TRUST in the Lord. Let's pray... King of Kings, Rock of Ages…  We thank you. We thank you for allowing us to hear your Word and being your presence once again. Father, we praise your Holy name. We put you on high. Thank you Father for being with us. Thank you Father for never leaving us alone. At times when it seems like we can't hear you , you are there when it seems as if we are by ourselves. We're never alone. You're always lifting us up. You're always making a way you are a Way Maker and we love you for that. We bless your name and. Amen and Amen now remember: Continue to stay in that space continue to stay silent if you have time and let the words just go through. Let it bless your soul. Here at JK Woodall Ministries we continue on our daily Devotionals, and we just want to say that we love you. We continue to pray for you. And remember You Have the Power.  Amen.

Morning Devotionals

Hello, Welcome to JK Ministries morning devotion. (Additional Morning  Devotionals can be Found in My 30 Day Devotionals ebook as well..) This is where we have daily devotion on our podcast and also on our blog. So what we do is every morning, I get up between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m. And I let the word of God speak to you. I listen to the word. I like to exorbitant the word that is just speaking to my soul. And for me morning time is best for some others in the evening, maybe bass or you know, if you take a lunch break, but whatever you do each day take time. Listen to God speak to you. So what we have done is, put together these blog devotionals and what we'll do is we'll take a look at a scripture. Then we just just listen to the Lord and just sometimes.... just take that reverence to be it just be quiet and listen to what God has to say to us. If it applies to us that day replies to our situation He will give us direction. Last of all, pray on it. So today our first verse we will take a look at is out of Luke 10. Verse 19 and I normally come out of the ESV version it is an easy version for me. Whatever version you use is fine, use the King James version or whatever you want. But whatever version that you have please grab your Bibles. Let’s take a look at Luke 10:19 behold. I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you. The word of God is just so powerful this morning. I can feel it moving right now know the Word of God is going through us right now. So behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you amen. So when you take that second… or a moment just to think about what God is saying to us. He's given us that power has given us that ability. He's giving us that Authority the tread over anything that's in your way this week this year. You know, we're in 2020 and this virus Reared up his head and it's and it's going throughout and all over the world. But God has already spoken. He's given us the power. All the authority And nothing shall hurt you. So it may look Bleak right now and look like things are against you, but God has already sent the answer. Look and see how fascinating and amazing God is today. We're going to need to pray a little bit this morning. Just thanking Him, so if you have a moment just thank God for his Word. Thank God, His Word was spoken before we were even born, before you existed. His Word was already spoken. Thank the Lord. Just praising and magnifying your Holy Name Lord, and we thank you this morning. We thank you today for blessing our families. Oh, you're so magnificent you're so amazing and we think the King Of Glory. Thank you way maker. Oh, we just say thank you. Thank you for the answer before we even knew that the situation we're going to be you sent us an answer. And we thank you. Now, that the Word is just going through us this morning and we're going to conclude the podcast and our blog however, you can still take more time. You can take as much time as you want and you can just listen and let the Word go through you this morning throughout the day and throughout the week. Here at JK Woodall Ministries we pray that God continues to look over you and Bless you… Remember you have the power. Amen Amen

IF You are willing

  IF… By JK Woodall "Father, IF You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." – Luke 22:42 (NIV)...