Morning Devotionals by JK Woodall Ministries

Good morning. It's time to perform our daily devotional this morning. And you know, God is already moving. He's already. Got a word for you to meditate on. You know, this word this morning is so powerful. 

And as usual use whatever version you have. King James ESV NIV for this morning. I'm using the ESV. So take your Bibles and let's go to Matthew 19:26. That's Matthew 19:26. But Jesus looked at them and said with man, this is impossible, but With God all things. Are possible Wow. So if we just take a second to observe. And look at Jesus Told everyone with the Lord himself said With man, this is impossible. But With God all things are possible. Amen Sometime in life you forget or sometimes just lose sight of the possibilities. 

The creator has given you the word that all things are possible with every year you're trying to accomplish whatever situation that you're trying to get yourself out of is possible. So if we applied it to ourselves this morning, I don't know. I don't know what's going on. I don't know where you're at in your life, but I do know all things are possible. Sometimes you find yourself, especially in this new COVID situation. A job may closes its doors. You got furloughed hours. Not the same, you know family or staying home together more kids are just you know connected together and sometimes families are necessarily getting along but all things are possible. You've been praying for something and God gave you a message this morning all things are possible. Let's go ahead and pray... King of Kings, Creator of the universe, My way maker, W know... That, all things are possible. I thank you, For your word this morning God. Thank you for blessing us this morning.  Thank you for letting us know that the possibility and the doors are open. There's no more gates holding us back, the possibilities in you are Limitless and the possibilities that you gave along with or ourselves and our families are Limitless. 

No sickness, No financial situation, No mountain... can come against your possibilities. 

These and all things we pray in the name of Jesus Amen. And amen 

So if you get a moment,  stay in the presence of God and just God speak to you.

Here at JK Woodall Ministries we have  to end our blog and podcast at this time, but we want you to know that, God is Limitless. He is able and Your prayers release the possibilities.  God bless you. 

Have a blessed day and remember you have the power.

Get our 90 Days of Devotional Scripture eBook by clicking here.

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IF You are willing

  IF… By JK Woodall "Father, IF You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." – Luke 22:42 (NIV)...