Morning Devotionals with JK Woodall Ministries

Welcome back. Once again to JK Woodall Ministries morning devotionals? God is moving this morning. I felt something as I listened to gospel music, this morning on JK Woodall Ministries online radio station The Spirit Spoke to me. As I reflected and I saw that many of us are going through many things. 

Maybe lots of adversity... Remember it is only a season of adversity at the moment, and God has a word for you this morning. 

Let's get our Bibles out. Let's go to Jeremiah 17:7 through 8. Again, any version of the Bible that you have will work this morning? I'm in The New International Version (NIV) but you can use whatever version you have available. Turn to Jeremiah chapter 17 verses 7 through 8. But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord whose confidence is in him. They would be like a tree planted by the water. That sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when he comes its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit... Amen 

God never fails, so you will never fail. A Tree planted by the Living Water never fails to bear fruit. So you'll never fail no matter, which season you're in? It's a prosperous season for you. No matter what season you're  in, your leaves are always green. God has planted you next to Living Water. God's water... Please join me and let's Pray this Morning, and we want to thank Our God for planting us next to that Living Water. 

Heavenly Father… You're so kind to us. 

You're so gracious to us Lord, and we thank you. For breathing in our Direction and Planting us in the exact spot that gives us opportunity. Planting us in the exact location, that exact moment that allowed our lease to remain green and we are always going to bear fruit no matter what the adversity is or the situation we are up against. We thank you for that for you. Thank you for your Divine Wisdom. You are so gracious to us. You are so kind to us and we love you. Thank you Father. These are not things we pray in the mighty name of Jesus Amen and Amen. 

Take extra moments to hear the word of God and as you take these extra moments to hear the word of God, Meditate on throughout the day.  Let it go down in your soul. Let your spirit get activated, be confident and trust the Lord and be that tree planted by the water. So as we conclude our podcast and our blocks this morning from JK Woodall Ministries. We want to say to you stay safe, Stay healthy, above all Stay blessed. Remember that You Have the Power.

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IF You are willing

  IF… By JK Woodall "Father, IF You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." – Luke 22:42 (NIV)...