
Free Diapers for the Community

Diaper Drive 2024 at Revival Center Hesperia   Saturday,  May 18, 2024 at 10am Address: 10180 I Ave, Suite A, Hesperia, CA 92345 Click the link for more information:  Revival Center Hesperia CA on Google 

The Pressing: Extracting the Oil of Deliverance

Exploring the Three Meanings of Pressing and Crushing in the Bible and Their Connection to the Ultimate Deliverance and Salvation of Humanity through Jesus Christ Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ, Greetings, Peace, and Blessing to you All.  The Power of the Almighty is with you always. In the Bible, pressing and crushing are not just physical acts, but powerful symbols of spiritual transformation and deliverance. From the pressing of olives to the crushing of grapes and the pressing through the crowd by the woman with the issue of blood, the act of pressing has taken on multiple meanings that reveal deep truths about God's plan for humanity. The pressing of olives is a necessary process to extract the valuable oil, which has been used throughout history for medicinal, culinary, and spiritual purposes. Similarly, the pressing of grapes produces wine, which is a symbol of joy, celebration, and new life. In the same way, Jesus Christ, through His sacrifice on the cross, was p

Surrendering to God's Sovereignty: Lessons on Humility and the Illusion of Earthly Power

 Subtitle: It's Not About Their Power, But All About God's Sovereignty Throughout history, kings and kingdoms have risen and fallen. Some have ruled with wisdom and justice, while others have oppressed their people and pursued their own selfish ambitions. But in the midst of it all, there is one constant: God's sovereignty over all things. In the book of Isaiah, we see the story of the king of Assyria, who boasted of his power and threatened to conquer Jerusalem. But God intervened and saved his people, reminding them that it was not the king's power, but God's sovereignty that prevailed. (Isaiah 37:33-35) Similarly, in the book of Exodus, we read of Pharaoh's arrogance and refusal to release the Israelites from slavery. But God showed his power and sovereignty through the plagues that he sent upon Egypt, eventually leading to the Israelites' freedom. (Exodus 7-12) Even the great King Nebuchadnezzar, who had conquered many nations and boasted of his power, w

On the Road to Salvation: Embracing the Turns on the Road of Life

How Paul's Encounter on the Road to Damascus Can Inspire Our Journey to Salvation Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, As we journey down the road of life, we encounter many twists and turns that challenge our faith and test our resolve. However, just as Paul's encounter on the road to Damascus led to his transformation, we too can experience a powerful encounter with Jesus that leads to our salvation. In this blog post, we will explore the details of Paul's experience on the road to Damascus and draw parallels to our own journey towards salvation. We will also examine how we can embrace the turns on the road of life and trust in Jesus to guide us towards our ultimate destination. Paul's Experience on the Road to Damascus Paul, also known as Saul of Tarsus, was a devout Jew who persecuted Christians. He was on the road to Damascus to arrest more Christians when suddenly, a bright light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying, "S

Ride the waves of life with Jesus at the helm

Title: Jesus is in Control: The Power of His Authority over the Waters in Your Life Welcome dear Brethren to a post that will change your perspective on how you view the power and authority of Jesus over the waters. The Bible is filled with instances where God demonstrated His power by parting the waters, and in the New Testament, Jesus demonstrated His power by controlling the waters. Let us dive in and explore this further. In the Old Testament, we see that God parted the Red Sea for the Israelites to pass through safely on dry land (Exodus 14:21-22). Additionally, God parted the Jordan River so that the Israelites could enter the Promised Land (Joshua 3:14-17). These powerful acts demonstrate God's ability to intervene in our lives and provide a way for us to overcome any obstacle that we may face. In the New Testament, we see that Jesus has control over the waters in a different way. He is recorded as walking on water, calming storms, turning water into wine, and healing people

Unlimited grace: Extend mercy to others, just as God has shown mercy to you

Subject: Seventy times seven - Embody complete forgiveness and bring glory to God's name. Blessings to All, 🙌  Grace and Peace unto You. 🙏  My Brothers and Sisters, forgiveness is an essential component of spiritual growth and a core tenet of the Christian faith. As a follower of Christ, I implore you to embrace forgiveness in all aspects of your life. Jesus taught us to forgive not just seven times, but seventy times seven times, indicating that forgiveness should be complete and unending. As we explore the meaning of this concept in Hebrew numerology, we find that the number seven represents completion, perfection, and rest, while the number seventy signifies completeness, fullness, and duration. In the Book of Amos, we learn that God forgave Israel's enemies three times before punishing them. However, Jesus calls us to go beyond limited forgiveness and to extend mercy to others, just as He has shown mercy to us. It is crucial to remember that God gave His only Son, Jesus,

God Shows Up in the Fire: How Faith Brings Miracles

  "In the midst of the flames, faith is the anchor that holds us steady, and God is the light that guides us through. #GodInTheFire" When we face trials and tribulations in life, it can feel like we are walking through fire. We may feel like we are alone, but as believers, we have a promise from God that He will never leave us nor forsake us. In fact, God often shows up in the fire, revealing His power and presence to those who trust in Him. The Bible is full of stories of people who faced seemingly impossible situations, and yet, through their faith in God, they were able to overcome. One such story is that of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who were thrown into a fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. Despite the intense heat of the flames, these three young men were not harmed, and the king himself saw a fourth figure walking with them in the furnace, which many interpret as an angel or manifestation of God's presence (Daniel 3:25). This story is a powerful

Bearing Witness to the Word: How Jesus Christ is the Ultimate Witness of Heaven

Follow the ultimate witness, Jesus Christ, and see Heaven through His eyes Greetings to You All, Grace and Peace unto You: As believers, we all have a calling to bear witness to the truth of Jesus Christ. But have you ever considered how Jesus Himself is the ultimate witness to the reality of Heaven? In the Gospel of John, we see how Jesus' life, death, and resurrection bear witness to the reality of God's kingdom and offer us a glimpse into the heavenly realm. Let's explore how Jesus is the ultimate witness of Heaven and how we can follow in His footsteps. Jesus, the Ultimate Witness of Heaven: Jesus' life and teachings offer us a powerful testimony to the reality of God's kingdom. In John 3:3, Jesus tells Nicodemus, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Through His words and actions, Jesus shows us what it means to live in the kingdom of God and invites us to join Him in this reality. Furthermore, Jesus