The Thief, Accountability, and Abundant Life

  Title: Understanding John 10:10, Exodus 22, and the 8th Commandment In the Bible, several verses and teachings emphasize the importance of upholding God's commandments and living a righteous life. Among these are John 10:10, Exodus 22, and the 8th Commandment ("Thou shalt not steal"). Let's explore these passages and how they are connected to the concept of accountability and the promise of abundant life in Jesus. John 10:10 : This verse is part of a larger teaching where Jesus contrasts Himself as the Good Shepherd with the thief. Jesus says, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." Here, the thief can be interpreted as the enemy, including Satan, whose intentions are purely destructive and harmful. In contrast, Jesus brings life and abundance to those who follow Him. Exodus 22 : In this passage, God outlines laws for restitution and justice, including how to handle theft. A thief is held

Addressing Root Causes

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,

Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the name of our Lord and Savior! I pray that this letter finds you in good health and strong faith. Today, I want to share with you a powerful passage from the Gospel of Luke that reminds us of the transformative power of our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ.

In Luke 5:17-26, we witness an extraordinary event—the healing of a paralyzed man. But what is truly remarkable about this story is not just the physical healing but how Jesus addressed the root causes of the man's condition. It is a testament to Jesus' deep love, compassion, and desire to bring complete restoration to our lives.

Just as the paralyzed man had friends who brought him before Jesus, I encourage each one of you to bring your friends, family, and loved ones to Jesus. Our Lord is not merely interested in superficial solutions to our problems; He desires to address the core issues that affect our lives.

Jesus knew that sin is the root cause of our brokenness, and His ultimate mission was to offer forgiveness and reconciliation. When Jesus declared to the paralyzed man, "Friend, your sins are forgiven you," He revealed His divine authority to heal not only physical ailments but also the spiritual wounds within us.

Therefore, let us follow the example of the paralyzed man's friends and demonstrate unwavering faith. Let us intercede on behalf of our loved ones and bring them to Jesus, knowing that He has the power to address the root causes of their struggles. He can offer forgiveness, redemption, and complete healing.

Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that Jesus sees beyond the surface and desires to bring restoration to every area of our lives. He invites us to lay our burdens before Him and trust in His transformative power. Let us approach Him with confidence, knowing that He is faithful to respond with love and compassion.

In conclusion, I invite you all to bring your friends, family, and loved ones to Jesus. Let us be vessels of His grace and love, extending a helping hand to those in need. Together, we can share the good news of Jesus' healing power, addressing the root causes in people's lives and leading them to true transformation.

May the Holy Spirit guide and empower us as we embark on this mission of bringing others to Jesus. May His love flow through us, touching the lives of those around us, and may the name of Jesus be glorified through our testimonies.

In HIS Service, 

JK. Woodall, Ph.D.

Senior Pastor, Revival Center Hesperia


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