Morning Devotionals

Good morning and Welcome back to JK Woodall Ministries morning devotions. So as we do, we get a scripture out of the Bible. We read it and then we'll just sit back and let us observe the word and let the Word speak to us. Now every morning is different every weekend's different. Different things are going on in our lives, our community and our families, but this is an opportunity for us to hear that word from the Lord. 

So this morning grab your Bibles we're going to come to you out of Matthew 28:20. That's Matthew 28 verse 20 ... Don't worry about which version you have. Join me in reading Matthew 28 verse 20. Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you and behold. I am With You Always to the end of the ages. Amen No sometimes. You feel like you're by yourself on the Island, but that's not the case, the Word of God;  just said that He is with us to the end of all ages. So from the beginning to the end God is with us. Even if you feel as if you're alone, you're not TRUST in the Lord. Let's pray... King of Kings, Rock of Ages…  We thank you. We thank you for allowing us to hear your Word and being your presence once again. Father, we praise your Holy name. We put you on high. Thank you Father for being with us. Thank you Father for never leaving us alone. At times when it seems like we can't hear you , you are there when it seems as if we are by ourselves. We're never alone. You're always lifting us up. You're always making a way you are a Way Maker and we love you for that. We bless your name and. Amen and Amen now remember: Continue to stay in that space continue to stay silent if you have time and let the words just go through. Let it bless your soul. Here at JK Woodall Ministries we continue on our daily Devotionals, and we just want to say that we love you. We continue to pray for you. And remember You Have the Power.  Amen.

Morning Devotionals

Hello, Welcome to JK Ministries morning devotion. (Additional Morning  Devotionals can be Found in My 30 Day Devotionals ebook as well..) This is where we have daily devotion on our podcast and also on our blog. So what we do is every morning, I get up between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m. And I let the word of God speak to you. I listen to the word. I like to exorbitant the word that is just speaking to my soul. And for me morning time is best for some others in the evening, maybe bass or you know, if you take a lunch break, but whatever you do each day take time. Listen to God speak to you. So what we have done is, put together these blog devotionals and what we'll do is we'll take a look at a scripture. Then we just just listen to the Lord and just sometimes.... just take that reverence to be it just be quiet and listen to what God has to say to us. If it applies to us that day replies to our situation He will give us direction. Last of all, pray on it. So today our first verse we will take a look at is out of Luke 10. Verse 19 and I normally come out of the ESV version it is an easy version for me. Whatever version you use is fine, use the King James version or whatever you want. But whatever version that you have please grab your Bibles. Let’s take a look at Luke 10:19 behold. I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you. The word of God is just so powerful this morning. I can feel it moving right now know the Word of God is going through us right now. So behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you amen. So when you take that second… or a moment just to think about what God is saying to us. He's given us that power has given us that ability. He's giving us that Authority the tread over anything that's in your way this week this year. You know, we're in 2020 and this virus Reared up his head and it's and it's going throughout and all over the world. But God has already spoken. He's given us the power. All the authority And nothing shall hurt you. So it may look Bleak right now and look like things are against you, but God has already sent the answer. Look and see how fascinating and amazing God is today. We're going to need to pray a little bit this morning. Just thanking Him, so if you have a moment just thank God for his Word. Thank God, His Word was spoken before we were even born, before you existed. His Word was already spoken. Thank the Lord. Just praising and magnifying your Holy Name Lord, and we thank you this morning. We thank you today for blessing our families. Oh, you're so magnificent you're so amazing and we think the King Of Glory. Thank you way maker. Oh, we just say thank you. Thank you for the answer before we even knew that the situation we're going to be you sent us an answer. And we thank you. Now, that the Word is just going through us this morning and we're going to conclude the podcast and our blog however, you can still take more time. You can take as much time as you want and you can just listen and let the Word go through you this morning throughout the day and throughout the week. Here at JK Woodall Ministries we pray that God continues to look over you and Bless you… Remember you have the power. Amen Amen

Happy 4th of July 2024!