The Thief, Accountability, and Abundant Life

  Title: Understanding John 10:10, Exodus 22, and the 8th Commandment In the Bible, several verses and teachings emphasize the importance of upholding God's commandments and living a righteous life. Among these are John 10:10, Exodus 22, and the 8th Commandment ("Thou shalt not steal"). Let's explore these passages and how they are connected to the concept of accountability and the promise of abundant life in Jesus. John 10:10 : This verse is part of a larger teaching where Jesus contrasts Himself as the Good Shepherd with the thief. Jesus says, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." Here, the thief can be interpreted as the enemy, including Satan, whose intentions are purely destructive and harmful. In contrast, Jesus brings life and abundance to those who follow Him. Exodus 22 : In this passage, God outlines laws for restitution and justice, including how to handle theft. A thief is held

Look to the Hills, for Strength... Why?

 Good question, 

In the ancient Near East, the hills were often seen as places of safety and refuge because they offered higher ground and a clear view of the surrounding area, which made it easier to spot approaching danger. Additionally, the hills were often less fertile and less inhabited than the valleys, so they were less likely to be targeted by attackers who were looking to conquer land and resources.

In a spiritual sense, the hills in the Bible symbolize a higher power or source of strength. In this context, "looking to the hills" is a way of expressing one's trust in God and seeking refuge in Him. It conveys the idea that, just as people in ancient times looked to the hills for protection, Christians can look to God for safety, guidance, and support.

So, when the psalmist says "I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from?" they are making a statement about their faith in God and relying on Him for protection and support, even in times of danger or uncertainty.

Look to the Hills, Find Strength in God - Stand Tall and Fear Not!




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