We Want To See Jesus

 #Biblical Commentary: Nisan the 10th Day

We Want To See Jesus

Nisan 10 marks a day of profound significance in the biblical calendar, falling on April 6, 32 AD in the Julian calendar. It’s on this day that Jesus entered Jerusalem, initiating a series of events that would forever change the world. Here, the convergence of ancient Passover practices and Jesus’ actions reveal a divine timeline, leading us to witness the powerful parallels between the Passover lamb and Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. By tracing these events from Nisan 10 through Nisan 14, we see God’s redemptive plan unfold in ways both awe-inspiring and deeply personal.

#Nisan 10 (April 6, 32 AD): The Presentation of the King
On Nisan 10, Jewish families began selecting their Passover lambs—lambs without blemish, chosen as the sacrificial offering (Exodus 12:3). These lambs were more than just symbols of tradition; they represented deliverance and protection. 

As the people of Israel prepared for Passover, Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey to the cheers of an enthusiastic crowd. Cries of “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” (Mark 11:9) filled the air. This was not just a kingly welcome; it was a declaration, a recognition that Jesus was indeed the Messiah, the chosen Lamb who would bring deliverance from sin. As the Passover lamb was selected for Israel’s deliverance from Egypt, so was Jesus chosen by the people—though they did not yet fully understand that he was destined to be their ultimate sacrifice.

#TheInspection Period: Divine Scrutiny
From Nisan 10 to Nisan 14, the selected lambs were inspected meticulously, ensuring they were flawless. Jesus, too, faced intense scrutiny during this period. The religious leaders questioned him repeatedly, testing his teachings and looking for any flaw. Yet, like the Passover lamb, Jesus remained blameless, standing as the embodiment of the perfect, unblemished sacrifice.

This inspection period highlighted a painful irony: those who should have recognized Jesus as the Messiah instead interrogated him. Their scrutiny was itself a sign of his fulfillment of the sacrificial lamb’s role, as the Lamb of God was tested and found faultless.

#Nisan 14 (April 10, 32 AD): The Ultimate Sacrifice
On Nisan 14, as families in Jerusalem prepared to sacrifice their Passover lambs, the prophecy reached its fulfillment. That same day, Jesus was crucified, becoming the true Passover Lamb (1 Corinthians 5:7). As he hung on the cross, his blood was poured out for the world, securing eternal deliverance for all who believe. Just as the lamb’s blood marked the Israelites' homes, shielding them from death (Exodus 12:6), Jesus’ blood offers us eternal protection from spiritual death.

When a Roman soldier pierced Jesus’ side and blood and water flowed out (John 19:34), this final act signified the completion of his sacrifice. This ultimate shedding of blood sealed our salvation and affirmed his identity as the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.

#TheSignificance of the Sacrificial Lamb
The Passover lamb stood as a powerful symbol of atonement and protection, but it was always intended to point beyond itself. The lamb’s sacrifice was a foreshadowing of the Lamb of God, whose blood would bring not just temporary deliverance, but everlasting salvation.

John the Baptist’s words, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29), resonate with new depth in light of these events. Jesus is the fulfillment of every Passover lamb, inaugurating a new covenant of grace, forgiveness, and redemption.

Reflecting on Nisan 10 and its culmination on Nisan 14 reveals the breathtaking precision of God’s redemptive plan. Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Nisan 10 (April 6, 32 AD) leads to his sacrificial death on Nisan 14 (April 10, 32 AD), where he fulfills the role of the ultimate Passover Lamb. His sacrifice marks us for deliverance, just as the blood of the lamb protected the Israelites.

Let this truth resonate deeply in our hearts: as the Israelites were shielded by the lamb’s blood, we are eternally covered by the blood of Christ, our Savior. Embracing this reality allows us to celebrate the victory of the Lamb who was sacrificed for our sins and resurrected for our justification. Walking in the light of this truth, may we proclaim the Good News of our King and Lamb, forever grateful for his redeeming love.

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