Mountain Mover


Is This Mountain an Obstacle or a Path to Elevation?

Dear Friends,

I hope this letter finds you in peace. As I reflect on life’s challenges, I’m reminded that mountains can either feel like obstacles or opportunities for elevation. Paul’s experience in 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 paints a clear picture of this dual reality. Though he was “caught up” to new spiritual heights by God, he still faced a thorn in his flesh—a challenge that remained. Despite his prayers for it to be removed, God reminded him that His grace was sufficient.

We often look at the mountains in our own lives and see only the difficulties. But I want to ask you a question today: Is this mountain an obstacle, or is it here to elevate you?

In Deuteronomy 33:29, God says, “Your enemies will cower before you, and you will tread on their heights.” This verse reminds us that the very mountains we face might be lifting us up, not blocking our way. Like standing on the shoulders of giants, God positions us on higher ground—giving us a greater perspective, strength, and vision through His grace.

As you face your own mountains, consider whether they are meant to hold you back or if God is using them to elevate you. Even with the thorns that may remain, His grace is all we need to keep climbing and rise above.

In His grace,

JK. Woodall, Ph.D.

Welcome to Your New Month of October 2024!

Welcome to Your New Month of October 2024: 

A Message to All Nations

God is committed to #completeness  and divine order in your life, and He will finish what He started! As we step into October 2024, remember that the God who began a good work in you is faithful to bring it to completion (Philippians 1:6). This month symbolizes divine order, the fulfillment of His perfect plan, and His desire to bring every area of your life into alignment with His will.

From the beginning, God's plan was to send His Son, Jesus, to fulfill the Scriptures and bring us into the fullness of His grace. Jesus came not only to complete the law but to offer us a new covenant of grace, love, and redemption. Through Him, we are no longer bound by the weight of the law but are empowered by the grace that covers every shortfall. It is through this grace that we can trust God to complete everything He has promised us, knowing that His plans for us are perfect and full of hope.

To the nations, this is a time to rise in the confidence that Christ has finished the work on the cross and has made way for you to walk in divine order and blessing. Let this be the month where grace leads you into the fullness of God's purpose. Whether in your personal life, your community, or on a national scale, His divine order will bring clarity, peace, and breakthrough.

October is not just a new month but a season of completion through Christ. His grace empowers us to move forward, knowing that nothing is impossible with God. As we embrace this new month, may we rest in the assurance that what He started, He will finish—because He is faithful.

Let this be a month of grace, restoration, and divine order for all nations. Declare it boldly: "He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it!"

Welcome to your month of grace and divine order, where God finishes what He started.

With Kingdom blessings, 

Pst. JK Woodall 

 #october #newmonth

Mountain Mover

  Is This Mountain an Obstacle or a Path to Elevation? Dear Friends, I hope this letter finds you in peace. As I reflect on life’s challenge...