Embracing the Ninth Month September: A Season of Transformation

Signifying the End of One Chapter and the Dawn of a New Era in Christ

Dear Believers in Christ Jesus,

Grace and peace be unto you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

As we gather together in the ninth month of 2023, I am reminded of the biblical significance of the number nine - a number that often symbolizes the completion of a significant event and the beginning of a new phase in our story. Just as the consecration of the tabernacle reached its culmination on the ninth day, and Jesus cried out on the ninth hour of His crucifixion, we find ourselves in a season that signifies the end of one chapter and the dawn of a new one.
In the story of the tabernacle, the eighth day was a day of preparation and consecration, and then, on the ninth day, the tabernacle was fully operational, and the glory of God appeared. It was a moment of fulfillment and the manifestation of God's divine plan. Similarly, when Jesus cried out on the ninth hour, it marked the completion of His earthly mission, the ultimate sacrifice for our salvation, and the dawn of a new era in God's redemptive plan.
Beloved, I believe that the ninth month (September) of 2023 is a season for change and transformation in our lives. It is a time to reflect on the significant events and stages that have brought us to this point and to embrace the new phase that God is leading us into. Just as God's glory filled the tabernacle, may His presence and blessings overflow in our lives as we step into this new chapter.
I encourage each one of you to take a moment to seek God's guidance for your own life during this season. What is He calling you to complete? What new beginnings is He orchestrating for you? As we approach the end of 2023, let us prepare our hearts and minds to embrace the changes and opportunities that God is placing before us.

In His service,

JK. Woodall, Ph.D.

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IF You are willing

  IF… By JK Woodall "Father, IF You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." – Luke 22:42 (NIV)...