Casting Off Our Crowns: Embracing the Grace of the Cross

 "The True Meaning of Humility in Our Walk with Christ"

Dear Friends, 

As believers, we are called to live our lives in humble service to God, recognizing that everything we have and are comes from Him. In the Bible, the act of casting off our crowns is a powerful symbol of this kind of humility and submission to God.

Revelation 4:10-11 describes the scene in heaven, where the twenty-four elders cast their crowns before the throne of God and worship Him, saying, "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power." This act of casting off their crowns represents their recognition that all honor and glory belong to God alone, and that they are unworthy of such honor apart from His grace.

In Philippians 2:5-8, Paul exhorts believers to have the same attitude as Christ, who "made Himself nothing" and "humbled Himself" by becoming a servant and dying on the cross. This is a call to humility and selflessness, even if it means sacrificing our own ambitions or desires for the sake of others.

When we cast off our crowns and embrace the grace of the cross, we are freed from the burden of self-promotion and status-seeking. Instead, we are able to focus on serving God and others, as Christ did. We are reminded that our true worth and value come from our relationship with Him, rather than from any earthly honors or achievements.

Invocation:  So let us cast off our crowns and embrace the grace of the cross. Let us remain humble and serve others, as Christ did. And let us always remember that His crown is above all, and that in serving Him, we will find true fulfillment and joy.

In HIS Service,

JK. Woodall, Ph.D.

Senior Pastor, Revival Center Hesperia

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IF You are willing

  IF… By JK Woodall "Father, IF You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." – Luke 22:42 (NIV)...