Experiencing God's Love

 **Weekly BBB: April 21 - April 27, 2024**

**Weekly Theme:** Experiencing God's Love

This week, let's reflect on the immense and unending love that God has for us, His people. God's love is not dependent on our performance; it is steadfast and unconditional. This love is the foundation of our faith and the source of our strength.

📖 **Key Scriptures:**

- **John 3:16:** "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

- **Romans 8:38-39:** "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

🙏 **Prayer Points:**

- Pray for a deeper understanding of God's love in your life.

- Ask the Holy Spirit to help you reflect this love to those around you.

- Thank God for His unending love and grace.

As we go through this week, may we find rest in the assurance of God's love for us. Let us draw near to Him, embracing His love and allowing it to transform us from the inside out. May this love inspire us to love others with the same compassion and grace. 

Let God's love fill your heart this week and guide you in all you do! 🌟❤️ #GodsLove #WeeklyBBB #FaithJourney

Welcome to the 4th Month of 2024

Embracing Divine Access and Opportunity

Dear My Brothers and Sisters,

As we step into the fourth month of 2024, known symbolically as the month of Dalet in Hebrew, I am inspired to share with you a message of hope and encouragement centered around the theme of divine access and opportunity.

In Hebrew mysticism, the letter Dalet (ד) represents a gate or doorway, symbolizing transition and opportunity. Just as a door opens to reveal new paths and possibilities, so too does the month of Dalet invite us to embrace the doors that are opening in our lives.

Throughout the Bible, doors and gates serve as powerful symbols of access and opportunity. In Revelation 3:8, Jesus declares, "I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut." This assurance reminds us that God is continually opening doors of opportunity for us, leading us into new seasons of blessing and favor.

Furthermore, Psalm 24:7 calls upon the gates to lift up their heads, allowing the King of glory to come in. This imagery speaks of the divine invitation extended to us, inviting us to enter into the presence of God and partake in His abundant blessings.

As we journey through the month of Dalet, let us approach each day with anticipation and faith, knowing that God is orchestrating divine appointments and opportunities for us. Let us not hesitate to step through the doors He is opening, trusting in His guidance and provision.

May this month be a season of breakthrough and advancement for you. May you recognize the doors of opportunity that God is opening in your life and have the courage to walk through them boldly.

With anticipation for the blessings ahead,

J.K. Woodall, Ph.D.

Senior Pastor, Revival Center Hesperia California 



- Revelation 3:8

- Psalm 24:7

Meeting Jesus: A Resurrection Sunday Reflection

Meeting Jesus: A Resurrection Sunday Reflection

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On this glorious Resurrection Sunday, let us pause to reflect on the profound encounter of Meeting Jesus, as illustrated in Mark 15:16-21. In this passage, we witness Simon of Cyrene, thrust into an unexpected rendezvous with our Savior—a moment that would forever alter his life and echo through the ages.

Imagine Simon, an ordinary passerby, suddenly confronted with the staggering sight of Jesus, battered and bruised, bearing the weight of the cross. Little did he know, this encounter would transform him from bystander to bearer of the cross—a role that would leave an indelible mark on his life and legacy.

"And they compelled a passerby, Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in from the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to carry his cross." - Mark 15:21 (ESV)

Indeed, something must have changed within Simon in that moment, for in Romans 16:13, we see the son of Rufus greeted by Paul—an affirmation of the enduring impact of encountering Jesus. Simon's encounter with the crucified Christ paved the way for future generations to experience His transformative love and grace.

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace." - 1 Peter 4:10 (ESV)

Today, as we celebrate the triumph of our risen Savior, the call to action resounds with clarity: Let us, like Simon, meet Jesus at the cross and allow His presence to revolutionize our lives. Let us embrace the call to carry our own crosses, following in the footsteps of our Redeemer, and sharing the message of His love and redemption with all we encounter.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16 (ESV)

As we bask in the joy of Easter morning, may we be emboldened to meet Jesus afresh and commit ourselves to following Him faithfully, so that generations to come may also experience the power of His resurrection and the beauty of His grace.

In the radiant light of the risen Christ,

J.K. Woodall, Ph.D.

Senior Pastor, Revival Center Hesperia. 

Holy Saturday Message

 🌟 **Holy Saturday Message: Embracing Hope in the Silence**

Dear Family,

On this Holy Saturday, we stand in the quiet anticipation between the agony of Good Friday and the joy of Easter Sunday. As we wait in hopeful expectation, let us reflect on the profound significance of this day.

📖 **Key Scriptures:**

- Matthew 27:57-66

- John 19:38-42

Holy Saturday invites us to embrace the silence and uncertainty, trusting in God's faithfulness even in the midst of darkness. It is a time of waiting, of pondering, and of deepening our faith as we anticipate the dawn of resurrection.

Let us remember that even in the darkest moments of our lives, God is at work, bringing about redemption and renewal. As we wait with hopeful hearts, may we find solace in the promise of Easter morning, where death is conquered, and new life begins.

🙏 **Prayer Points:**

Heavenly Father, on this Holy Saturday, we entrust our hopes and fears to You. Help us to find peace in the midst of uncertainty and to trust in Your unfailing love. As we await the joy of Easter, may we be filled with renewed faith and anticipation for the resurrection. Amen.

As we journey through this day of waiting, may we hold fast to the hope that lies ahead. Let us prepare our hearts to welcome the risen Christ with joy and gratitude. #HolySaturday #HopeInSilence #BBB 🙏🌟

Good Friday Message

 🌟 **Good Friday Message: Choose Jesus, Son of God**

Dear BBB Family,

As we reflect on the solemnity of Good Friday, let's ponder the poignant moment when the crowd chose to release Barabbas, the "son of the father," instead of Jesus, the Son of God. This decision echoes throughout history, reminding us of the choices we face every day.

📖 **Key Scriptures:**

- Matthew 27:20-23

- John 18:40

In releasing Barabbas, the people symbolically opted for a man's son over the Son of God. Yet, we are called to make a different choice. In our lives, we must consistently choose Jesus, the true Son of God, over the fleeting allure of human desires and ambitions.

🙏 **Prayer Points:**

Heavenly Father, on this Good Friday, help us to discern the eternal significance of our choices. May we always choose Jesus, the Son of God, as our Lord and Savior. Grant us the strength to resist the temptations of this world and to follow Your will with unwavering faith. Amen.

As we meditate on the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, let's renew our commitment to choose Him above all else. May His love and grace guide us in every decision we make. #GoodFriday #ChooseJesus #BBB

Welcome to March 2024:

Embracing the Symbolism of Three in the Bible

Dear Friends,

Welcome to March 2024, the third month of the year, where we embrace the significance of the number three in our lives and faith.

In the Bible, the number three often symbolizes completeness and divine perfection. As we journey through this month, let us reflect on the fulfillment found in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, celebrated this year on March 31st.

I invite you to join us in embracing the message of hope and renewal that Easter brings. May this month be a time of spiritual growth and anticipation as we prepare to celebrate the victory of our risen Savior.

Together, let us welcome March with open hearts, knowing that each day brings us closer to the joyous celebration of new life.

In HIS Service,

J.K. Woodall, Ph.D.

Senior Pastor, Revival Center Hesperia

*"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?'"* - John 11:25-26

Messenger #007

  Messenger #007:  Naaman Asked for Healing but Needed Cleansing By JK Woodall Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The story of Naaman in 2...