The Mystery of the Blood and Water: Exploring the Profound Significance of Jesus' Crucifixion

When Jesus was crucified, something remarkable happened: blood and water flowed from his side, a sight that left many witnesses stunned and bewildered. This event has profound theological and symbolic significance for Christians, pointing to the power and mystery of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. In this post, we will explore the biblical and theological meanings of the blood and water that flowed from Jesus' side, and what they reveal about the nature of God's love and redemption.

One of the key biblical passages that describe this event is John 19:34-35, which says: "But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there came out blood and water. He who saw it has borne witness—his testimony is true, and he knows that he is telling the truth—that you also may believe."

The significance of the blood and water can be understood on several levels. First, they are a powerful symbol of the atoning power of Jesus' death on the cross. As 1 John 1:7 says, "the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin." This cleansing power is linked to the water that flowed from Jesus' side, which represents the cleansing and purifying work of the Holy Spirit.

Second, the blood and water are a reminder of the water that flowed from the rock in the wilderness during the Israelites' journey to the promised land. This water sustained the Israelites and provided a sign of God's provision and care for his people. In a similar way, the blood and water that flowed from Jesus' side represent the provision of salvation and eternal life for all who believe in him.

Finally, the blood and water are a sign of the divinity of Jesus, who is both fully human and fully God. The separation of blood and water may also indicate that Jesus' heart had ruptured, a sign of extreme physical suffering. This suffering is a reminder of the depth of God's love and sacrifice for humanity, which was willing to endure even death on a cross for our sake.

In conclusion, the blood and water that flowed from Jesus' side are a powerful symbol of God's love and redemption. They remind us of the cleansing power of Jesus' sacrifice, the provision of eternal life through his death and resurrection, and the depth of God's love for us. We invite you to learn more about this profound mystery by clicking on the link below.

In HIS Service,

JK Woodall, Ph.D.

Senior Pastor, Revival Center Hesperia California

#JesusChrist #Crucifixion #Redemption #Salvation #Atonement #BloodandWater #Divinity #Love #Sacrifice #HolySpirit

For such a time as this

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As we navigate through these turbulent times, I am reminded of the story of Esther and Mordecai, who faced seemingly insurmountable obstacles yet remained steadfast in their faith. Their story serves as a powerful reminder of God's providence and the strength of His people in times of trial.

"For such a time as this" - these words uttered by Mordecai to Esther have echoed throughout history, and still ring true for us today. Just as Esther was called to use her position of influence to help her people, we too are called to use our gifts and talents to serve others and glorify God. As Romans 12:6-8 reminds us, "We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully."

In these challenging times, it is easy to become discouraged and lose sight of God's plan for our lives. However, we must remember that God has placed us where we are for a reason, and has equipped us with the tools we need to fulfill His calling. As 2 Timothy 1:7 reminds us, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."

Furthermore, we must also remember that God has placed reinforcements in our lives to remind us of our calling. Whether it's through the encouragement of fellow believers, the wisdom of spiritual mentors, or the conviction of the Holy Spirit, God provides the guidance and support we need to fulfill our calling. As Proverbs 27:17 states, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."

Therefore, let us remain steadfast in our faith, trusting in God's plan for our lives and seeking to serve Him in all that we do. Let us be ready to act when God calls us to action, and to use our gifts and talents to serve others and glorify Him. And let us always remember that God is with us, guiding and sustaining us through every trial and tribulation.

In conclusion, I urge you to embrace God's calling on your life and to serve Him with all your heart, mind, and soul. Let us be a shining light in a world that is often shrouded in darkness, and let us be a testament to the power and grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

In HIS Service,

JK. Woodall, Ph.D.
Senior Pastor, Revival Center Hesperia, California

#CallingOnYourLife #ShiningLight #PowerOfFaith #IronSharpensIron #InHISservice #RevivalCenterHesperia

Stay Connected to Jesus: Flourishing as Tall Trees

 In the Bible, trees often symbolize spiritual truth, and one of the most powerful images is that of Jesus as the vine and us as the branches. This metaphor invites us to consider how our lives are connected to Christ, and how we can flourish and grow in any circumstance. In this post, we'll explore this image and how it can inspire us to stay connected to Jesus, the true source of life.

As we've seen, the image of the vine and branches appears in both the Old and New Testaments. In the Old Testament, Israel is often depicted as a vineyard, a people chosen and cared for by God. In the New Testament, Jesus takes up this imagery and applies it to himself and his disciples. He says, "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:5).

What does it mean to abide in Jesus as the vine? First, it means recognizing that he is the source of our life, the one who sustains us and gives us purpose. We are like branches, reaching out to the sun and the rain, drawing nourishment from the soil. We cannot produce fruit on our own, but only as we are connected to the vine. Second, it means staying connected to Jesus through prayer, worship, and obedience. Just as a branch must be attached to the vine to receive life-giving sap, so we must stay close to Jesus to receive his grace and guidance.

Mark 8:22-25 tells the story of Jesus healing a blind man in stages. At first, the man sees people but they look like trees walking around. Then Jesus lays his hands on the man's eyes again and he sees clearly. This story is often interpreted as a metaphor for the process of spiritual growth. We may see glimpses of truth or insight but it takes time and continued connection to Jesus for our spiritual vision to become clear and our lives to bear fruit.

What happens when we stay connected to Jesus as the vine? We become like tall trees, planted by streams of living water (Psalm 1:3). We are rooted and grounded in his love, and we can grow and flourish in any season. The apostle Paul describes this when he says, "I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:11-13).


The image of Jesus as the vine and us as the branches reminds us of our need to stay connected to him, especially in a world that can be tumultuous and uncertain. When we abide in him, we can flourish and grow, no matter what challenges we face. So, let's stay connected to Jesus as the vine, drawing on his life-giving power and trusting in his provision. As we do, we'll become like tall trees, rooted and grounded in his love, bearing fruit in and out of season.


If you haven't already, take some time today to connect with Jesus through prayer, worship, or reading the Bible. Consider how you can stay close to him, even in the midst of your daily routines. Let's remember that we are tall trees, planted by God's hand, and that we can trust in him to sustain us













Take up your sword and fight the good fight with the Word of God!

A Letter of Encouragement from Our Pastor JK. Woodall, Ph.D. 🙌 

Subject:  Take up your sword and fight the good fight with the Word of God!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As followers of Christ, we have been given a powerful weapon - the Word of God, which is our sword. This sword is not physical, but spiritual, and it has the power to bring down strongholds, defeat the enemy, and change lives.

I am writing to you today to urge you to actively use the sword given by God. In these times of great spiritual warfare, we must be vigilant and ready to fight. We cannot be complacent or passive, but we must engage in spiritual battles with the full armor of God and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

The Word of God is our ultimate weapon against the schemes of the enemy. It is living and active, and it has the power to discern truth from falsehood, defend against spiritual attacks, bring about conviction and repentance, guide us in our daily lives, and bring about salvation. It is our source of strength and hope in times of trouble, and it is the foundation of our faith.

I urge you, my brothers and sisters, to take up the sword of the Spirit and use it boldly and confidently. Study the Word of God daily, meditate on its teachings, and apply it to your life. Speak the Word of God over your circumstances and situations, and watch as God moves on your behalf.

Let us not be passive spectators in the spiritual battle, but let us be active participants, using the Word of God to fight against the enemy and advance the Kingdom of God. Let us stand firm in our faith, knowing that we are on the winning side.

Finally, I invite all to believe and allow Jesus, the Word that became flesh, to fight spiritual battles as we accept Him as our one and only Savior. He is the only way, the truth, and the life, and through Him, we have victory over sin and death.

In His Service,

JK. Woodall, Ph.D.

Senior Pastor, Revival Center Hesperia California

#swordofthespirit #spiritualwarfare #faith #hope #salvation #victory #jesuschrist #revivalcenter #hesperiaca #inHisservice

Feeling the Touch of Jesus: A Journey of Healing and Restoration

 Have you ever felt lost, broken, or hopeless? Have you ever yearned for healing and restoration? If so, you are not alone. Throughout history, people have turned to God for healing, guidance, and strength. And in the Bible, we see that Jesus had a special gift for healing through touch.

In the Old Testament, touch was used as a symbol of power, blessing, and healing. In Exodus 29:20, Aaron and his sons were anointed as priests by a touch of blood. In Leviticus 4:15, the priest laid hands on a sacrificial animal to transfer the sins of the people. And in Numbers 27:18-23, Moses laid hands on Joshua to commission him as his successor.

In the New Testament, we see that Jesus continued this tradition of healing through touch. In Mark 5:25-34, a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years touched Jesus' cloak and was immediately healed. In Mark 7:31-37, Jesus touched a deaf man's ears and tongue to heal him.

Through these stories, we see that Jesus' touch was a powerful symbol of God's presence and his ability to heal and restore. His healing touch demonstrated that he was the Son of God and that he had the power to forgive sins and heal physical ailments.

But Jesus' touch is not just a thing of the past. Today, we can still feel his touch through prayer, worship, and the power of the Holy Spirit. In John 14:26, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to be with us and to teach us all things.

So, if you are in need of healing and restoration, reach out to Jesus and feel his touch. Allow him to heal your brokenness, comfort your soul, and guide you on your journey of faith.

Invocation: Take a moment to pray and ask Jesus to touch you with his healing and restoring power. Attend a church service or Bible study to connect with other believers and grow in your faith. And share your testimony of God's healing touch with others to inspire and encourage them on their journey of faith.

In HIS Service,

JK. Woodall, Ph.D.

Senior Pastor, Revival Center Hesperia California

#FeelingHisTouch #HealingThroughJesus #Restoration #PowerOfGod #InHisService

Welcome to Your New Month of March 2023

 Happy March, the 3rd month of the year! In Hebrew tradition, the month of Adar (which corresponds to March) is a time of renewal and return to God. As we embrace this new month, let us remember the biblical significance of the number 3 and the Holy Trinity.  Let us seek renewal through faith in Jesus Christ, who offers us the gift of eternal life. Take time this month to reflect on your spiritual journey and commit to growing closer to God. #Renewal #Return #March #HolyTrinity #FaithInChrist.

From Stones to Savior: The Ultimate Symbol of Remembrance

Stones have been a powerful symbol of remembrance throughout the Old Testament. From the twelve stones set up by the Israelites after crossing the Jordan River to the monument erected by Saul at Ebenezer, stones were tangible reminders of God's faithfulness and power. But in the New Testament, a new symbol of remembrance emerged: the person of Jesus Christ.

Jesus' death and resurrection fulfilled the promises of the Old Testament and ushered in a new covenant between God and humanity. No longer did we need physical stones to remind us of God's faithfulness - instead, we had the living, breathing presence of Jesus Himself. His sacrifice serves as the ultimate reminder of God's love and grace, and His resurrection assures us of our own future resurrection and eternal life.

But Jesus didn't just leave us with words - He left us with a tangible reminder of His sacrifice in the form of holy communion. When we partake of the bread and wine, we remember Jesus' body broken for us and His blood shed for the forgiveness of our sins. It's a powerful reminder of our connection to Jesus and the new covenant He inaugurated.

The Bible affirms the importance of remembering Jesus' sacrifice through the practice of communion. In Luke 22:19-20, Jesus instructs His disciples to "Do this in remembrance of me" during the Last Supper. In 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Paul emphasizes the seriousness of the practice of communion, writing that "For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes."
It is crucial that we take this call to remembrance seriously, and here are three reasons why:

1. Remembering Jesus through communion helps us stay connected to His sacrifice and the new covenant He inaugurated.

2. Communion serves as a reminder of our own need for forgiveness and redemption, and helps us keep our hearts and minds focused on Jesus.

3. Participating in communion together as a community of believers helps us strengthen our bond with one another and unite us in our shared faith in Jesus.

As we remember Jesus through communion, we are strengthened in our faith and empowered to live out our calling as His followers. So let's continue to partake of the bread and cup, not as a mere ritual, but as a powerful symbol of our connection to Jesus and our remembrance of His sacrifice.

If you haven't already, take some time this week to reflect on the meaning of communion and what it means to you personally. As you partake of the bread and wine, remember Jesus' sacrifice and the new covenant that He inaugurated. Let's continue to remember Jesus and His sacrifice as we live out our lives in service to Him.

#Communion #Remembrance #NewCovenant #JesusChrist

In HIS Service,

JK. Woodall, Ph.D.
Senior Pastor, Revival Center Hesperia California

Welcome to January 2025

  Welcome to January 2025 The One in Your Life By JK. Woodall As we step boldly into January 2025, I greet you with anticipation for all God...