Merry Christmas 2023!

 Wishing you a joyous and blessed Christmas! May the light of Christ illuminate your hearts with peace, love, and hope. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! πŸŒŸπŸŽ„πŸŽ

Trust the Captain: Jesus in the Boat, Calming Life's Storms, Bringing True Rest

Finding Peace in the Storm: Waking Up Jesus for True Rest


In the tumultuous seas of life, where storms of challenges and uncertainties rage, the timeless narrative of Jesus calming the storm offers a profound and reassuring truth: Jesus is with us in our storms. This article explores the profound message of finding peace in the midst of life's tempests by waking up Jesus for true rest.


Navigating Life's Storms:
Life often presents us with storms that threaten to capsize our sense of security and peace. Whether it's health crises, financial challenges, or the overwhelming waves of daily stress, we find ourselves navigating turbulent waters. Much like the disciples in the boat, we may feel the need for divine intervention when the storms become too much to bear.

Scripture Support:
> "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you..." (Isaiah 43:2a, ESV)


The Symbolism of the Storm:
The storm in the Gospels becomes a powerful metaphor for the trials and tribulations we encounter. Just as the disciples faced the fury of the elements, we too confront the storms of life. Yet, embedded in this narrative is a timeless truth — Jesus is present in our storms, ready to bring calm and restore peace.

Scripture Support:
> "He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed." (Psalm 107:29, ESV)

The Call to Faith and Trust:
Jesus' calm demeanor in the boat, even amid the storm, serves as a model of profound trust and faith. The disciples, in their fear, woke Him up, recognizing that His presence had the power to bring peace. This narrative challenges us to trust in Jesus amidst life's chaos and, when restless, to intentionally wake Him up through prayer and seeking His guidance.

Scripture Support:
> "And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, 'Peace! Be still!' And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm." (Mark 4:39, ESV)


Waking Up Jesus:
In the moments of restlessness, when the waves of life threaten our peace, we are invited to wake up Jesus in our hearts. Through prayer, reflection, and seeking His guidance, we can experience the calming presence of the One who has authority over the storms of life.

Scripture Support:
> "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28, ESV)


True Rest in Jesus:
The article concludes by emphasizing the profound rest that comes from entrusting our storms to Jesus. By waking Him up in prayer and faith, we invite His peace into our lives, recognizing that true rest is found in His calming presence.

Scripture Support:
> "I will both lie down and sleep; for the Lord alone makes me dwell in safety." (Psalm 4:8, ESV)


In the storms of life, Jesus remains our constant and calming presence. Waking Him up through faith and trust transforms restlessness into a deep and enduring peace. As we navigate life's seas, let us find solace in the truth that Jesus is with us in the storm, ready to bring true rest to our restless souls.

Peace Always, the ultimate anchor is Jesus.

In HIS Service,

JK. Woodall, Ph.D.
A Servant of Christ
Jkwoodall Woodall
#storm #peace #inspiration

Don't Chase Signs, Find Abundance in the Resurrection!

 πŸ”What Are You Looking For in 2023? 🌟

Dear friends! πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

As we step into a new year, it's natural to reflect on our desires and aspirations. We all long for something—truth, purpose, fulfillment. We often find ourselves seeking signs and tangible proof to validate our beliefs or provide reassurance. But what if I told you that the answer you're looking for might not be found in signs, but in a Person? Let's embark on a thought-provoking journey together, inspired by the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 12, verses 38-39. πŸ“–✨

In that encounter, the Pharisees approached Jesus, requesting a sign to prove His authority. They wanted something extraordinary, a miraculous demonstration. Jesus, perceiving their hearts, responded, "An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah." πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

Jesus pointed to the "sign of Jonah," a foreshadowing of His own death, burial, and resurrection. It was the ultimate sign, the greatest display of His divine power and authority. Jesus revealed that true fulfillment, truth, and purpose are not found in constantly seeking signs, but in embracing the Person who has risen—the very source of life, hope, and transformation. πŸ™πŸΌ

Now, my dear friends, let's pause for a moment and reflect on our own lives in this year, 2023. What are you searching for? What signs are you longing to see? Perhaps it's time to consider a different perspective. Instead of chasing after signs and external validation, let's open our hearts to the truth that has already been revealed—the One who has risen, Jesus Christ. πŸ’«

In this journey of life, we may encounter moments of doubt, uncertainty, or longing. We might yearn for signs to confirm our beliefs or reassure us on our path. But let us remember that true fulfillment lies in a personal relationship with Jesus, the One who has risen from the dead. He offers us love, grace, forgiveness, and purpose beyond anything we can imagine. 🌟

So, as we navigate the remainder of this year, let's shift our focus. Instead of tirelessly seeking signs, let's seek a deeper connection with the One who has already revealed Himself through His life, death, and resurrection. Let's draw closer to Jesus, discover His teachings, and experience the transforming power of His love and grace. πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ’–

Dear friends, I invite you to pause and reflect today. Stop searching for signs that might distract you from the ultimate truth. Instead, embrace the risen Savior who eagerly waits to welcome you with open arms. Allow Him to fill your life with meaning, purpose, and joy. 🌟

Let's embark on this incredible journey together! Share your thoughts and experiences as we choose to fix our eyes on the risen Christ and find our ultimate fulfillment in Him. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’›

In HIS Service, 

JK. Woodall, Ph.D.


#NewYearReflections #EmbraceTheRisenOne #FindFulfillmentInChrist #JourneyOfFaith

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Welcome to Your New Month of December 2023

Welcome to the Remarkable Month of December 2024: Embracing Divine Order

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Welcome to the remarkable month of December 2024, a season filled with anticipation, reflection, and the joy of celebration. As we step into the final month of this year, let us recognize the uniqueness of this December, marked by the assurance that divine order is at work, directing our paths for the coming year.

Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts, especially as we navigate the last days of 2024. This December, as we embrace the twelfth month, let our trust in the Lord be strengthened, acknowledging the divine order orchestrating the intricate details of our lives.

Romans 8:28 reminds us that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Let us celebrate the unique journey each of us has experienced this year, recognizing the divine hand guiding our steps and orchestrating events for a purpose greater than we can fathom.

Colossians 1:16-17 beautifully underscores that Christ is the sustainer of all things, holding our lives together in divine order. This month, let us rejoice in the remarkable truth that our lives are not subject to chaos but are securely held in place by the sovereign hand of our Savior.

Psalm 139:16 echoes the sentiment that all the days ordained for us were written in God's book before one of them came to be. As we enter December 2024, let us consider it a remarkable milestone—a moment when we recognize the intentional and purposeful ordering of our steps by the Lord.

Ephesians 1:11 reminds us that we were chosen and predestined according to the plan of Him who works everything in conformity with the purpose of His will. December 2024, with its unique numerical significance, serves as a reminder of the divine order unfolding in our lives, preparing us for the remarkable journey ahead in the coming year.

As we gather in worship, fellowship, and celebration during this festive season, may the significance of December be etched in our hearts. Let us share the joy of this remarkable moment, knowing that the divine order established by our Heavenly Father extends into the coming year, shaping our destinies for His glory.

May the love of God, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

In Christ's love,

JK. Woodall, Ph.D. 

Senior Pastor, Revival Center Hesperia πŸ™Œ 




Honoring the New Covenant

From Deception to Devotion: The Legacy of King Saul


The concept of a covenant, a sacred agreement between God and humanity, has deep roots in the Bible. One of the most profound developments in this divine relationship is the establishment of the New Covenant. The New Covenant is not just a continuation of the old but a transformation of it, offering a deeper and more intimate connection with God. In this article, we'll explore the journey from King Saul's misstep to the institution of the New Covenant by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the call to honor and participate in this remarkable covenant.

1. King Saul's Covenant and the Consequence (Joshua 9 and 2 Samuel 21):

Our story begins in the book of Joshua (Joshua 9), where we encounter an intriguing event. The Gibeonites, a neighboring people, employed a clever ruse to secure their safety by entering into a covenant with the Israelites. Despite the deception, the Israelite leaders, including Joshua, made a solemn agreement in the name of the Lord to protect the Gibeonites. The commitment was binding and underscored the importance of upholding one's word in the name of God.

However, the story takes a dark turn in later biblical accounts, particularly in 2 Samuel 21. King Saul, the first king of Israel, violated the covenant with the Gibeonites. In his attempt to harm these people, Saul not only broke a solemn oath but also transgressed against the Lord. His actions had severe consequences, leading to the need for retribution and a need for justice to be served.

In response, King David, who succeeded Saul, had to take significant actions to reconcile with the Gibeonites. This included handing over seven descendants of Saul to them (2 Samuel 21:1-9), as the Gibeonites sought justice for the wrongs committed against them.

2. The Promise of the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Ezekiel 36:26-27):

While the Old Testament recounts the instances of human failure and disobedience, it also prophesies the coming of a New Covenant. The book of Jeremiah (31:31-34) foretells a covenant that will be different from the old one. It is a covenant where God will write His law on the hearts of His people, offering forgiveness, direct knowledge of God, and an eternal relationship. Ezekiel (36:26-27) reinforces this idea, promising a new heart and a new spirit, enabling obedience to God's commands.

3. The Fulfillment in Luke 22:20:

The fulfillment of this New Covenant occurs in the New Testament when we hear the words of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, during the Last Supper. In Luke 22:20, Jesus takes the cup and declares, "This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood." This profound moment marked the inauguration of the New Covenant. Through His sacrificial death and resurrection, Jesus made it possible for all who believe in Him to enter into this new and transformative covenant with God.

4. Invocation:

Today, as believers in Christ, we are invited to honor and participate in the New Covenant. It's not just a historical event but a living reality that shapes our relationship with God. This covenant offers the forgiveness of sins, a new heart, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to guide and empower us.

5. Embrace the New Covenant:

The call to action is clear: embrace the New Covenant. Accept the forgiveness offered through Christ, let Him write His law on your heart, and allow the transformation of your relationship with God. By honoring this covenant, we not only experience personal transformation but also contribute to a world shaped by love, grace, and God's eternal promises.


As we explore the journey from King Saul's transgressions to the establishment of the New Covenant by Jesus Christ, it's a reminder of the transformative power of God's grace. King David's actions, though challenging, ultimately led to reconciliation and the restoration of a broken covenant.

The fulfillment of the New Covenant, marked by Jesus' words during the Last Supper, should resonate deeply with believers in Christ. It's a call to embrace this remarkable covenant, to experience the forgiveness of sins, and to allow Christ to write His law on our hearts. This New Covenant is a promise of renewed hope, eternal love, and a transformed relationship with our Heavenly Father.

Let us heed this call and walk in the freedom, grace, and purpose offered through the New Covenant, knowing that God's eternal promises are ever true.

In His Service and Grace,

Pst. JK. Woodall, Ph.D.

May God's wisdom and blessings guide your path as you continue your journey in faith and leadership.

Welcome to Your New Month of October 2024!

Welcome to Your New Month of October 2024:  A Message to All Nations God is committed to #completeness  and divine order in your life, and H...