
Showing posts from May, 2021

Welcome to the 4th Month of 2024

Embracing Divine Access and Opportunity Dear My Brothers and Sisters, As we step into the fourth month of 2024, known symbolically as the month of Dalet in Hebrew, I am inspired to share with you a message of hope and encouragement centered around the theme of divine access and opportunity. In Hebrew mysticism, the letter Dalet (ד) represents a gate or doorway, symbolizing transition and opportunity. Just as a door opens to reveal new paths and possibilities, so too does the month of Dalet invite us to embrace the doors that are opening in our lives. Throughout the Bible, doors and gates serve as powerful symbols of access and opportunity. In Revelation 3:8, Jesus declares, "I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut." This assurance reminds us that God is continually opening doors of opportunity for us, leading us into new seasons of blessing and favor. Furthermore, Psalm 24:7 calls upon the gates to lift up their heads, allowing the King of glory to come in.
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